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  • Ankomst-skyss med A.C. mini-buss mellom flyplass og strand-bostedet Paradise Beach
  • Visning  i villa, eiedom og eventuelt bosteds egen leiebil, inkl. alarmer, rutiner m.m.
  • Dagsprogram, bli kjent sightseeing i områdene, med blant annet inkludert besøk Oslo
  • Beach og norsk samfunn fra 1870, museum, kirke, sykehus, verdens største reptilfarm, zulu landsbyer, lett lunch inkl. (se eget program med Rural Tour, hele weekend-dag etter ankomst.) Guide-sjåfør henter og bringer til bostedet inkl. i prisen!
  • Programmet under blir arrangert og er skrevet under av mege populær og hyggelig zulu-dame med lærerutdannelse, egen lodge, som henter kundene i sin bil morgenen etter ettermiddags-ankomsten.

Betaling for ovennevnte der nede, er totalt ca 6-740,- kr. per
person alt inkl. valuta-basert.

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  1. Picked up in house Seapark, Beach Front Road 44, 08.30 A.M. with Dudus Avanza car (if more than 7 all together, clients car can also be used, client pay petrol only for eventually own extra car
  2. Drive through rural  Port Shepstone Town (from car show client Golf course  and Oribi Plaza Shopping area, no stops
  3. Coming to light cross before Norwegian Church, tell clients where to drive going to Oribi Gorge Canyon for later self-driving there.
  4. In church 09.00 A.M. Look at old church, museum there, new church, grave yard with Norwegians from 1870, old church bell, hospital on property (can be visited by own later on, eventually make appointment  in reception
    for that)
  5. About 10.00 drive up in rural area for seeing  valleys, nature waterfall(from view point), mountains with view, village visit and outdoor church seremony with song and music.
  6. Visit hand craft sale and  craft making+ eventually others typical for zulu culture in area.
  7. If clients want to give away clothes, toys, shoes, sport stuff or others with them, try arrange so poor children /families can receive it directly, if possible.
  8. Healer Mdlungwana, Ntantana Mountain and Bhomela village. (what comes before or after the rural church seremony arranged by Dudu.
  9. Lunch at Mfihlo Guest House and entertainment (safe, light soft drink or coffee, biscuit or cake etc. See how a rural guest house is ruined, admire the view all the way to  the ocean, from enjoying the rest at Dudus
    Guest House, between 13 and 14.
  10. After lunch, eventually remaining to sea in rural area,  drive to reptile farm and stay there ca 1 hour (tickets included in total price)
  11. From reptile farm, driving on homeway pass 2 biggest Shopping Malls in Shelly Beach on Southcoast ( for later visits) Also drive behind  Shelly Center to Boat Club/Beach, also so clients later easy can find where to go
    and order for shark/whale and fishing safaris.
  12. Driving beach road from shelly to Port Shepstone, passing big fruit and vegetable market and  Oslo Beach with  about 60 Norwegian names on the streets from late 1800.
  13. Returning home again late afternoon/evening for payment in cash to Dudu remaining amount after agreement before arrangement each client.

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Please remark: When less than 4 persons, Dudu herself is the local guide in rural areas.
If  clients or Dudu with staff is sick or really bad weather/technical problem etc., tour can be offered for another day, cancelled or after other agreement with client. If no tour after mentioned reasons, no payment either.

Kind regards
Dudu and Svein

Paradise Beach, SeaparkNærstrand Safari, Golf & Beach-Front Resort.

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Africas largest reptile-farm.      Flott Shopping-Centre-Restaurants-kinoer-hval/hai-billetter etc